Sunday, August 3, 2008

Bring Back The Horse

American Joe has a problem. American Joe isn’t happy. It seems the daily grind is finally winning. Wouldn't you go crazy if you spent your days like Joe, shuttling from one air-conditioned box to another? To make matters worse, Joe's neighbors just bought a new box. Whatever is Joe to do? Buy another box? A bigger box? A hi-def box? No, no, no, there's a very simple solution to Joe's problem. Joe needs to Bring Back The Horse!

The Bring Back The Horse campaign is based on one simple concept, happiness. When Joe and his fellow Americans revert to the horse as their primary mode of transportation, their happiness indices will increase by fifty percent, guaranteed. Think about it. What better way to save the environment and develop your equestrian skills than mounting a trusty stead? Sure, keep the Accord for long trips, but to pick up some milk just grab the reigns.

One might ask how such dramatic results are possible. Two words, simplicity and relationship. In the rush for more horsepower, America forgot to care for the horse. The technology that was meant to enable life is now controlling life. Because of this slavery to manufactured goods, people no longer appreciate silence. Because of their addiction to entertainment, friends no longer relish conversation. Essentially, what was invented to make life good, is now taking the good out of life. Bringing Back The Horse will change all that.

Bringing Back The Horse will infuse the everyday with an irresistible simplicity. What’s not to love about a morning gallop to the office? Who wouldn’t enjoy walking out to their stallion at the end of the day? There’s just one issue, it could be the start of a whole new addiction. Society may soon be obsessed with beauty. Not the artificial splendor of the check-out counter, but the magnificence of nature. It will be a beauty we won’t control, and that’s precisely why it will be beautiful. So the next time it rains, hop on a horse, you might like the smell of rain.

Bringing Back The Horse will renew the lost art of relationship. Who wouldn’t chat with their fellow moviegoer enroute to the theatre? Why couldn’t neighbors share a barn to minimize expenses? Careful though, it’s getting risky. Knowing your neighbors could cost you a lot. You might have to sacrifice some hay when their stock is depleted. They may ask for a saddle when theirs is being retooled. In short, you could actually become a friend. But don’t worry, in doing so you might find that a friend is exactly what you were made to be.

So keep life simple. Know your neighbors. Bring Back The Horse.