Monday, November 3, 2008

This Current Dilemma

The current dilemma for Christians in politics is indeed a dilemma. How are we to care for our neighbor within the Republican agenda? How are we to defend the innocent within the Democratic agenda?

In light of this dilemma, a growing number of Christians, Protestant and Catholic, are settling. The possibility of reversing Roe v. Wade is so remote that the pragmatists are winning. Waves of Christians are shifting allegiance from conservatism to social justice. The problem with this justification is that social justice is founded on human rights. What however, is the fundamental human right? According to Article 3 of the UN's 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the fundamental human right is that of "life, liberty, and security of person." All other rights are rooted in this right. Are we all entitled to health care? Do we all deserve a paid vacation? Is property ownership essential? Who knows? I do know however, that those superfluous entitlements are corrupted when the fundamental right to life is undermined. In short, a human rights agenda that does not defend the right to life has no integrity. As such, ending legalized abortion must be a socially conscious Christian's foremost goal if their ideas of universal healthcare and women's rights are to have any legitimacy.

Below you will find an incredibly well articulated exploration of this current dilemma, please read: (simply scroll down to reach the article titled Change.)

If interested the UN's Declaration of Human Rights is linked below: